Are Bidet Seats Sanitary?

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One of the most common fears with acquiring or using a bidet is the sanitary aspect. At first, it may not seem to make sense that water spraying around would be sanitary for anyone since it has the potential to leave residue and splatter. However, you can rest at ease knowing that bidets are used daily by thousands of people. 

Is it sanitary to sit on a bidet? Despite common misconceptions, on average, bidet toilet seats are actually more sanitary than normal toilet seats. Most bidets are actually self-cleaning and much more controlled than most people realize. New bidets also often have carbon air deodorizers and cleaners, making the whole environment cleaner.

Bidets have many features built-in that help keep the user happy, clean, and overall satisfied. Not every bidet has the same features, but with most modern bidets you are likely to run into most of them.

Features That Help Bidets Have a Sanitary Environment

Remote Control:
All features of the bidet, in-home systems, are controlled by a remote. This control keeps both your hands and the seat more sanitary. By removing the need to touch the waste disposal system, the modern bidet system allows the user to avoid coming into contact with waste and bacteria. 

Hidden Nozzle:
The hidden nozzle feature is a feature that you may not consider at first. Many first-time users might fear that they would contaminate the nozzle by allowing their waste contaminants to touch the nozzle directly. However, modern bidets have hidden nozzles that only make an appearance when they are ready to be used. The nozzle is controlled by the remote (or control panel) and is able to be adjusted in both the direction and power of the cleansing water. 

Many, if not most, modern bidets have an included self-cleaning function. This is helpful if you are still concerned with the sanitization of the nozzle. The user is able to adjust the settings on the panel to “self-clean” and run this process in order to make sure you have a fresh experience. You can utilize this feature as frequently as you desire, so you can always utilize the bidet with your mind at ease. 

While splashing/splattering is a top misconception with bidet use, bidet nozzles are not spraying water at overly high pressure. The water pressure begins at a very light level, and the user is able to adjust the pressure based on his or her needs and desires. Bidet water pressure maxes out at lighter pressure than would be required to make a large mess. The user can rest assured that the product has been tried and tested with this concern in mind.

Air Drying:
Many bidets have an air-dry feature. Once the user has finished the spraying portion of his or her waste disposal experience, he or she will feel a blast of air to help dry off the recently sprayed area. This feature not only saves the user from having to directly touch the location in which the waste came from with his or her hands, but it also prevents possible dripping during the alternative cleaning process. This makes it way less likely for the water droplets to be able to drip on the seat or anywhere around the area because the user is dry before moving. 

Where Can I Try a Bidet? 

Although bidets originated in France, bidets are one of the fastest-growing bathroom trends in America. They are also most prominently seen in Japan which is the top country using them. Japan has also added many of the modern technological improvements to bidets. On top of this, bidets have already been popularized in many other countries such as Italy, Argentina, Portugal, and Venezuela. Even many “underdeveloped” countries have begun making the switch from the standard toilet to bidets. ‘

With this, you can probably find a bidet anywhere in the world you might find yourself, though in America it is still difficult to find one in a public location. Even if you have not used a bidet or seen one in your own country, you should be prepared before going to another country to use a bidet; many users report the process as unnerving during their first time use of this waste disposal experience if used without proper instruction. 

Is a Bidet Practical for All Types of People? 

Bidets are made so that anyone is able to use them regardless of gender, lifestyle, culture, and body type. For the elderly, handicapped, and pregnant women, using a bidet can actually be a better option than traditional toilet use. Bidets require significantly less strength and movement than the traditional wiping process and even offer a range of benefits for people with limited ability to reach. 

Pregnant women can benefit greatly from bidets, as it can help offer relief and protection from hemorrhoids and constipation. The same is true post-pregnancy when it is good to keep the vaginal canal clean. Bidets make it a lot easier to make sure this is done properly with clean water. 

For the elderly, it is helpful to use a bidet because of the touch-free access to cleaning. The user does not need to strain themselves and risk falling or injury when they are at their most vulnerable. Bidets can even increase the length of time that this vulnerable group of people are able to live independently. 

Do You Ever Need to Hand Clean a Bidet?

Despite bidets being a lot more sanitary, on-average, than a traditional toilet, there are still general cleaning processes that need to be completed. The bidet self-cleaning mode is largely a nozzle feature, meaning that it will not wipe the seat for you (although it is likely that this feature is being developed). Normal cleaning is still required and can be done either by using mild chemicals or vinegar to wipe down the seat and other areas of the bidet. If it is a modern bidet, it may also need the air filter to be replaced. 

Just because the nozzle does have a self-cleaning feature does not mean you should never clean it. I still suggest cleaning it once every week to two weeks, wiping down the nozzle to ensure the elimination of bacteria. 

Related Questions: 

Are bidets comfortable?

Although I cannot vouch for the bidets in the 1600s in France, today’s bidet seats are made to feel as (or more) comfortable than normal toilet seats. The water that is released in modern bidets is also temperature and pressure controlled, giving the user a high level of comfort and security. 

Are bidets attached to the toilet?

There are two (major) styles of bidets, both attached to the toilet and separate from it. In homes, the most common is to have an attached bidet as it is cheaper and more practical for the modern setup. In public locations, bidets are often detached, offering an area that is easier to keep clean and untouched by other people. Either option is available, and it is up to the consumer to decide which option best meets their needs and budget.

Do bidets save money?

Although the initial cost may be higher for a bidet-style toilet, you are almost guaranteed to save money in the long run. Using a bidet costs only a fraction of what the long term cost of toilet paper will come to. In a year’s time you are likely to have already earned back the difference and more.